The Purpose of Marriage - Tie the Knot
The Purpose of Marriage
Below is our Purpose of Marriage ceremony script. If you'd like to print it off, download the Purpose of Marriage ceremony script.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you here today at [ ]. My name is [ ] and I am the Deputy Superintendent Registrar who will conduct this ceremony and with me is [ ] the Deputy Registrar who will look after the couple’s legal paperwork.
May I have your full names please.
We are here today to witness the joining in matrimony of
[ ] and [ ] who would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate the beginning of their new life together as a married couple.
Family and friends have come here to be with them today, and it means a great deal to them that you can be here to share in their happiness and witness their marriage vows.
[ ] and [ ], the purpose of marriage is that you may always love, care for, and support each other through the joys and sorrows of life. Marriage means making a commitment to life, to developing and maintaining co-operation, friendship and mutual respect. It calls for trust, understanding and encouragement.
Ladies and Gentlemen, [ ] and [ ] have found in each other happiness, fulfillment and love. As a consequence of this they now wish to affirm their relationship and to offer to each other, the security which comes from legally binding vows, sincerely made and faithfully kept.
However, if any person here present knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage then you should declare it now.
Would you both please stand
Before you are joined in matrimony, I have to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage in this country means the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others.
These vows which will unite you as married, constitute a formal and public pledge of your love for each other.
I am now going to ask each of you to declare that you know of no lawful reason why you may not be joined in matrimony to each other.
GROOM/ PARTNER 1: “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I, (AB), may not be joined in marriage to (CD).”
BRIDE/ PARTNER 2: “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I, (AB), may not be joined in marriage to (CD).”
Now the moment has come for this couple to make their marriage contract with each other in the presence of you, their witnesses and guests.
GROOM / PARTNER 1: “I (AB) take you (CD) to be my wedded wife (or husband) and to love and cherish, for the rest of our lives together.”
BRIDE / PARTNER 2: “I (AB) take you (CD) to be my wedded husband (or wife) and to love and cherish, for the rest of our lives together.”
We have now come to the exchange of rings which is the traditional way of sealing the vows you have both just made. The wedding ring is the unbroken circle, it has no beginning and no end. It symbolises unending and everlasting love and is an outward sign of the lifelong promise you have made to each other.
GROOM / PARTNER 1: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and affection. Wear it with happiness and pride, today tomorrow and always.”
BRIDE / PARTNER 2: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and affection. Wear it with happiness and pride, today tomorrow and always.”
Everyone please stand
[ ] and [ ], you have both made the declarations required by law, exchanged rings and have made solemn promises to each other, in the presence of your family and friends gathered here today.
This day will form a milestone in your lives. You will look back upon it with love and happiness, as the start of a new phase in your life together.
We hope that the feelings of love that you have for each other, will deepen and grow ever stronger throughout the years to come.
It gives me great pleasure to say publicly that you are now married.
Congratulations to you both. You may congratulate each other.