Traditional Ceremony - Tie the Knot

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Traditional Ceremony

Traditional Ceremony

Below is the Traditional Ceremony Script. If you'd like to print it off, download the Traditional Ceremony PDF

On behalf of my colleague [   ] and myself [   ] may I welcome you all to [   ] on the occasion of the marriage of  [   ] and [   ]

This place in which we are now met has been duly sanctioned according to law for the celebration of marriages. The ceremony will be in accordance with the Civil Law of this country, which requires this couple to declare their freedom to marry each other before they contract their marriage.

You are here to witness the joining in matrimony of [   ] and [   ] and if any person here knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, they should declare it now.


Before you are joined in matrimony, I have to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage in this country means the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others.

Now I am going to ask you both in turn to repeat after me that you are free to marry, before you go on to make your marriage vows (and exchange your rings).

GROOM/ Partner 1:        “I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I [   ] may not be joined in matrimony to [   ]"

BRIDE/ Partner 2:        “I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I [   ] may not be joined in matrimony to [   ]"

REGISTRAR to GROOM/Partner 1:    “Will you take [   ] to be your lawful wedded wife/husband to be loving and faithful to her/him for the rest of your life together?”

GROOM/ Partner 1:        “I will”

REGISTRAR to BRIDE/ Partner 2:      “Will you take [   ] to be your lawful wedded husband to be loving and faithful to him/her for the rest of your life together?”

BRIDE/ Partner 2:        “I will”

Now that you have declared that you know of no legal reason why you may not be married, we have come to the part of the ceremony where you are about to make your marriage contract with each other (and exchange rings). 

GROOM / Partner 1:    “I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage and I call upon these persons here present, to witness that I [   ] do take thee [   ] to be my lawful wedded wife/husband and to be loving and faithful to you throughout our married life”

BRIDE / Partner 2:    “I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage and I call upon these persons here present to witness that I [   ] do take thee [   ] to be my lawful wedded husband/wife and to be loving and faithful to you throughout our married life”


[   ] & [   ] now that you have both made the declarations required by the law of this country exchanged your rings and made a solemn and binding contract with each other, in the presence of your witnesses and guests, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that you are now married.