Will You? - Tie the Knot

Will You

Will You?

Will You

Below is our Will You? ceremony script. If you'd like to print it off, download the Will You? ceremony script.

Good morning / afternoon and a warm welcome to you all. My name is [   ] the Deputy Superintendent Registrar who will conduct this ceremony and with me is [   ] the Deputy Registrar who will look after the couple’s legal paperwork. 

May I have your full names please?

We are here today to witness the marriage of [   ] and [   ] and on their behalf I would like to thank you for joining them to witness the start of their new life together. I know it means a great deal to them that you can be here to share in their happiness on this occasion. 
Through their vows, they are making a commitment to each other for the rest of their lives. Marriage is not an easy path. It requires devotion, the ability to listen, the wisdom to know when we are wrong and the strength to put things right. 
For [   ] and [   ], getting married today is a proud confirmation of the love, the respect and the true friendship that they have for each other. Together they will be stronger to meet whatever life holds for them. 
[   ] and [   ], today you will exchange vows, which will unite you as married. The words are a formal and public pledge of your love, and a promise of lifelong dedication to each other. 
Before you are joined in matrimony, I have to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage in this country means the union of two people, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others. 
I am now going to ask each of you to declare that you know of no lawful reason why you may not be joined in matrimony to each other. 
GROOM/ PARTNER 1:   “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I, (AB), may not be joined in marriage to (CD).”

BRIDE/ PARTNER 2:    “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I, (AB), may not be joined in marriage to (CD).”

[   ] and [   ], you have gathered about you those whom you love. You invited them here to receive their encouragement and support, and to celebrate with you at this special time. I ask you now in the presence of this company…… 
GROOM/PARTNER 1:   “[   ] will you take [   ] to be your wife /husband –, will you rejoice with her /him through good times, will you support her /him in times of trouble and will you remain true to her/him for the rest of your lives together? ” 

REGISTRAR to BRIDE/ Partner 2: “[   ] will you take [   ] to be your husband /wife –, will you rejoice with him/her through good times, will you support him/her in times of trouble and will you remain true to him/her for the rest of your lives together? ”

Now the moment has come for this couple to make their marriage contract with each other. 
GROOM / PARTNER 1:    “I (AB) take you (CD) to be my wedded wife (or husband)”. and to love and cherish, for the rest of our lives together.”

BRIDE / PARTNER 2:     “I (AB) take you (CD) to be my wedded husband (or wife)”and to love and cherish, for the rest of our lives together.” 
We have now come to the exchange of rings which is the traditional way of sealing the vows you have just made. 

The wedding ring is the unbroken circle symbolising unending and everlasting love and is the outward sign of the lifelong promise you have just made to each other. 
GROOM / PARTNER 1:    I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and affection. Wear it with happiness and pride, today tomorrow and forever more.” 

BRIDE / PARTNER 2:    I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and affection. Wear it with happiness and pride, today tomorrow and forever more.” 
Everyone please stand 
[   ] and [   ], you have both made the declarations required by law, exchanged rings and have made solemn promises to each other, in the presence of your friends and family gathered here today. 
This day is the start of a new life together. We hope that the feelings of love that you have for each other, will deepen and grow even stronger throughout the years to come. 
It gives me great pleasure to declare that you are now married. 
Congratulations to you both.  You may now congratulate each other.