Your Ceremony CP - Camden Register Office - Tie the Knot
Your Ceremony
Congratulations and thank you for choosing to have your ceremony in Camden.
Arriving for your ceremony
On the day of your civil partnership please head to Entrance South D of Tavistock House. This is located on the east side of Tavistock Square, between NatWest Bank and Pret a Manger. There is a red letterbox outside the building.
Please arrange for you and your guests to arrive about fifteen minutes before your ceremony time, your registrars may have other ceremonies to attend. If you and your guests are late, your civil partnership may have to be postponed.
Our aim is to make your ceremony run as smoothly as possible, and you will be pleased to know that you and your witnesses do not need to bring any documents to your ceremony. All we will need is your signature and we will provide the ink and the fountain pen for this purpose.
You can choose to have a signing only ceremony.
This will entail:
- Letting the registrar know at the pre-interview that you only want to sign the schedule (legal paperwork).
- Both of you, your 2 witnesses and the civil partnership registrar will go to the room you booked.
- You will both be asked to state your full names.
- Your witnesses will be asked if they know of any legal impediment to you both entering into the civil partnership.
- Both of you will be asked to read the following declaration out loud before signing the schedule. “I declare that I know of no legal reason why we may not register as each other’s civil partner. I understand that on signing this document we will be forming a civil partnership with each other.”
- Both of you, then your witnesses will be asked to sign, followed by the civil partnership registrar who will then declare you as Civil Partners.
Click on the boxes below for more detailed information, including information on the scripts available if you choose to have a more elaborate ceremony.